Computing Services
POBox 456 Middle Island, NY 11953

Each (inanimate) instrument could do its own work,
at the word of command or by intelligent anticipation

"Of their own motion they entered
the conclave of Gods on Olympus"

What did Aristotle
say about computers???

What was the earliest literary reference
to computers and automata
(c.800 BCE)?

About tripodics.

More images.



For modern system analysis, software development,
quality assurance, or training,
(with classical care and quality)

contact Tripodics Computing Services
at: or:
P.O.Box 456
Middle Island,
NY 11953-0456


Java (CS 16)
Website Development (CS 35)

Resume & publication list

Links to our partner companies:

A B C D unlimited

     Website development, EDI, & eCommerce

     Graphic arts and design

Emerging Technologies Group, Inc. (ETG)
     Strategic e-business- and infrastructure-related
planning, integration, system management,
and quality of service consulting.

Tripodics is proud to be a sponsor of: